The Support of Chande

The Chande Orphanage Project…
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Perhaps you have already decided to support the Chande Orphanage Project. It’s easy to do… so many people use online bill payment these days; just set up a monthly payment, sending your tax deductible contribution to this address:

For sponsoring the orphanage in general, send your tax deductible check to:

Inglewood Baptist Church
1901 S Carrier Pkwy
Grand Prairie, Texas 75051-3756
Put “Chande Baptist Orphanage” in the memo line

If you are interested in sponsoring a child from the Chande Orphanage, or would like more information on what $30 a month will provide, contact Jan Van Norman at [ zambiamissions @ ]

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many children need sponsors? There are more than 176 children in the orphanage.
  2. What does $30 a month cover? Education, food, clothing, and medical. $30 can’t cover everything, but is the amount suggested by Rev. Chanda. Supporters are welcome to give more as they feel led.
  3. Chande Orphanage is set up as a trust – why is this important? The orphanage is registered as a trust with the Zambian government which protects it by Zambian law. No individual can take it over as their own individual property and it protects the church in case a church has a split or has future leaders that do not agree. This way, no one can change its purpose to something else. Being a “trust” gives the right for the organization to not only be recognized by the government, but also is necessary for tax exemption. The Orphanage has a certificate of registration, as well as being incorporated as a non-profit trust and is governed by a Board of Trustees. Rev. Patrick Chanda and Edward Miller are two of the board members. The Millers have known Rev. Chanda since January 1979, their first week in Zambia and fully support this ministry and have complete trust in him.

[ Other Chande Orphanage Project Information ]

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