Hearing God’s voice can be dangerous. That’s right. On one side you have someone discerning direction from God, perhaps through praying, reading the Bible, counseling with mature believers, etc. When this person actually “hears” from God, s/he is confronted with a choice… to obey or not to obey what is discovered. Following God’s will is often risky business! It is stepping out into new territory and taking steps of faith when you can’t see the outcome.
On the other side you have someone claiming to hear from God and this person firmly believes that God is telling him to do something that is contrary to His nature or His revealed Word. A dangerous scenario indeed; just look at religious extremists around the world.
Our ladies at King’s Grant Baptist have enjoyed Bible studies written by Priscilla Shirer. In her book, Can We Talk, she discusses how to better spend time in God’s Word, making it a two-way street of conversation. Listed here are the Five P’s of Hearing God’s Voice in Scripture:
Position yourself to hear from God: Practice solitude and silence. Although God can speak anywhere, hearing from Him is easier if distractions are lessened. (Habakkuk 2:1)
Pour over the Scripture and paraphrase the major points: You cannot skim over a passage if you expect God to speak! (James 1:25)
Pull out the spiritual principles: What lesson is God teaching? What is God revealing about Himself?
Pose the question: Form a directed question from each discovered principle. Does my life live out the message of the verse? What must I do to bring my life in line with this verse? Listen to the Holy Spirit as you answer.
Plan obedience and pin down a date: The Bible tells us to obey (James 1:22). Don’t just hear from God and forget it! Record your steps and take action, respond to what God has shown you.
The Christian life is based on obedience! Jesus said is well, basically, “How can you love me and not do what I say?” If we want to hear God’s voice, we must be willing and serious about obeying Him.